House of Roots: A Long-Term Partnership Story in the Specialty Beverage Industry

At Revact Media, we pride ourselves on cultivating lasting partnerships that transcend mere transactions. Our ongoing work with House of Roots, a unique player in the specialty beverage industry, epitomizes our commitment to fostering growth, understanding niche markets, and driving consistent results.

This case study explores how our tailored strategies and deep market insights have helped House of Roots not only achieve its goals but also set new standards in the Kava market.

Client Profile

Client: House of Roots
Industry: Specialty Beverage and Lifestyle
Challenge: Reengaging an existing audience and attracting new leads to House of Roots, while introducing a groundbreaking concept that breaks away from traditional norms.


  • To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the specialty beverage market to inform our targeted marketing strategies.
  • To craft a compelling brand narrative that resonates with both the existing customer base and potential new leads.
  • To implement a cohesive mix of Email & SMS marketing, social media marketing, and advertising to reengage and expand the House of Roots community.


Strategy and Approach

Engaging Communication

We initiated a series of targeted Email & SMS campaigns designed to rekindle interest among existing customers and spark curiosity among potential new patrons.

Dynamic Social Media Presence

Our team revamped House of Roots' social media approach, creating engaging content that highlighted the unique aspects of their Kava offerings and fostering a community around their brand.

Tailored Advertising Efforts

We rolled out carefully crafted advertising campaigns that effectively conveyed the community aspect of House of Roots, targeting audiences likely to be intrigued by their unique Kava experience.

Results and Impact

Our multifaceted marketing strategy led to a revitalized community around House of Roots, with increased engagement from long-time customers and a noticeable influx of new patrons.

The fresh, innovative approach to marketing their unique Kava concept successfully broke away from industry norms, establishing House of Roots as a distinguished presence in the specialty beverage market.

This partnership with House of Roots underscores our dedication at Revact Media to delivering innovative, results-driven marketing strategies tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of our clients.


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